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Drew Derbyshire's Resume

Home > People > Drew Derbyshire > Resume Introduction


Drew's Resume is no longer directly on the web. Assuming you meet the restrictions on use, you can use link below to request Drew's current resume in Microsoft Word format via e-mail.

Note that hyperlinks within the resume may not lead where you expect, as companies change. One company in particular has spun off the division Drew worked for, and they have moved (at least) twice since Drew's tenure with them.

Copyright Information

Restrictions on Use

The resume is for the general information of the web browsing public and for the specific interest of possible employers.  However, any use (including but not limited to copying or storing this information in electronic or hardcopy form) for employment or other purposes is prohibited without specific consent of Drew Derbyshire, ahd+resume-permission@kew.comNo such consent will be granted to employment agencies, consulting firms, or other non-principals, please do not ask.

Request Resume

Click here to request Drew's resume.

This page was last updated on October 8, 2020.  Copyright © 1996-2020 by Kendra Electronic Wonderworks, all rights reserved.

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